CPS/ACS Matters

Navigating CPS / ACS Matters in Suffolk County

How Our Attorneys Can Assist You Through Long Island CPS / ACS Matters

CPS (Child Protective Services) and ACS (Administration for Children’s Services) matters are among the most difficult issues a family can endure. It is not easy to call CPS or ACS to report issues of neglect or abuse, and often times these calls are made out of spite at the height of a bitter divorce or custody battle. At the Law Offices of Michael Catalanotto, PC, we have years of experience dealing with both sides of the spectrum. 

Contact Our Family Attorneys

Are You Facing a CPS or ACS Matter in New York? Reach Out to Us

Our Suffolk County family attorneys will work with parents who believe they are the unfair target of CPS and ACS matters, because child protective service reports remain in the New York state central registry for 25 years and will make it difficult if not impossible for subjects to get state or federal jobs as well as to work as a teacher or day care provider. 

We will also embark upon investigations when a parent believes there are indications of abuse or mistreatment and speak with doctors, teachers and therapists in an attempt to prove CPS should be called.

Personalized Legal Guidance & Support for Your Family

The Law Offices of Michael Catalanotto, PC in Suffolk County offers free consultations and takes pride in providing one-on-one attention to clients throughout New York. In addition to handling New York CPS/ACS matters, our staff can provide you expert counsel and personal guidance on dozens of other legal issues. 

To set up a meeting regarding a CPS or ACS legal matter in Suffolk County, contact us online or call us at (631) 621-3750.

  • “Divorce is never pleasant but having a strong, knowledgeable team behind you, makes an awful situation more bearable!” - Jan S.
  • “Michael and his entire staff worked tirelessly to assist during my divorce mediation process.” - Anonymous
  • “He fought to protect the best interests of my children, and myself.” - Jennifer B.